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​Indian Politics

What’s wrong with Indian politics? The history of the country of India is as diverse as ancient. Since writing is the focus of a particular category. It appears to be monotonous. The common man is still in a state of turmoil as it is a mix of fantasy and mythology.

Social status has become worse due to the subject of fiction writing. Due to the writing from a particular group, the heterogeneous social system imposes on the majority of the population. 

As a result, thousands of cases divided in this country along with different religions and the castes still survive.

This country faced many invasions only with the benefit of a divided society. Its culmination is that this country had to live in slavery for hundreds of years. 

Dynamics of Indian politics

The country enslaves for many years under foreign rules such as the Mughals, the Portuguese, and the Britishers. Even though we fought a great war against British rule. It was easy for us to gain independence even as the British lost their grip on World War II.

Despite independence, the country has not been able to make social progress at the desired pace. Because the political system here contains religion and ethnicity.

 Indian politics has all its aspects. In recent times, this fact is getting darker. After independence, the country adopted the constitution of the Republic of India in the year 1949. 

One of the great features of this Republic was the democratic way of electing the representatives of the general public through the elections. Many characteristics of a citizen, such as a vote, the right to vote, and the freedom of choice of representatives. They are seen in the republican system. Indian politics has various perspectives in it.

The constitution is the highest position for a secular state. Despite all these provisions in the constitution, India’s democracy could not reach the expected heights as the actual masses were conservative. 

The country divides into thousands of castes. It could not be politically united. The country that is suffering from hundreds of years of foreign slavery is still not out of that mindset. Indian democracy has a multilateral system.

The majority of political parties appear in our country. Indian politics include all. While this arrangement is appropriate for a strong democracy, the growing number of regional parties is alarming.


Voting Behavior :

It is not the right to choose a candidate. Voters have been using NOTA more recently. This is significant. Because of the elections in a very polluted environment Qualified but talented people do not get into politics. This is a huge loss of democracy.

People just vote for a candidate to get a bottle of wine. Therefore, people are equally responsible for weakening democracy. Indian politics include all.

In this regard, there is a need for enlightenment. The opposition is also important in a democracy. For good governance, the opposition plays an important role in controlling the government, but in recent times the opposition is appearing to be very weak. The political goal seems to be to keep the people occupied with religion, religious asymmetry, fear of foreign invasion, and to consolidate power more and more. 

Opponents are also protesting only for the opposition. Many political families are appearing in politics. The people have also become accustomed to this dynasty. Because the monarchy is in the blood of the people. You need to get out of this as soon as possible. 

Recent politics seem to be moving away from the general public. Power has become a means of making money. Within five minutes, a bill for the allowances of MPs was passed.

 Thus in the present case, Indian politics reached a very low level. 



If we want to get out of all this, the conservatives, secularists, and intellectuals of the society should come forward to put aside their isolation and promote the masses of the people. Saving democracy and strengthening must be the goal of life. Let us dream of a strong, prosperous India.

Religion, temples, and reservations are being made into political asymmetry. Recent politics seem to be moving away from the general public. Power has become a means of making money. Within five minutes, a bill for the allowances of MPs was passed.  Already rich, these people are involved in facilitating the next generations.



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