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The Periyar Tiger Reserve (PTR) and surrounding protected areas, covering an area of 4078 sq kilometers in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, make up the largest tiger conservation landscape in the southernmost Western Ghats.

Since 1934, there has been a lengthy history of conservation. Two Divisions—Periyar East and West—are in charge of running the Periyar Tiger Reserve. Thekkady in the East Division is home to the visitors’ point.

In the State of Kerala, it extends across three Revenue Districts: Idukki, Pathanamthitta, and Kottayam. The Periyar Lake Reserve, Mount Plateau RF, Rattendon Valley RF, Ranni RF, and Gudrikkal RF are all included in the Protected area.


History of Periyar Tiger Reserve


The Pandyas governed from Madurai until the 12th century, when they took control of the Periyar Valley.

The Mullaperiyar dam was built in 1895.The west-flowing River Periyar is stopped by the dam, which was constructed, creating a reservoir. A man-made lake was also produced as a result, adding to the valley’s allure.

The lake in the middle of the sanctuary serves as the hub of the reserve and is where elephants and other large animals congregate to play, drink water, and cool down in the summer by going for a dip. The dam significantly altered the valley’s features and landscape by constructing this man-made lake.

The reserve was utilized in the 18th and 19th centuries the Travancore monarchs’ hunting grounds. The majority of present-day southern Kerala, the Kanyakumari region, and the southernmost reaches of Tamil Nadu’s neighboring state were all included in the Kingdom of Travancore. Travancore and Cochin combined when India attained independence to establish Travancore-Cochin, which eventually amalgamated with the Malabar district of Madras State to form Kerala.

Periyar Tiger Reserve Area

The area surrounding the Similipal forests is home to numerous tribes in addition to its biodiversity. Kolha, Santhala, Bhumija, Bhatudi, Gondas, Khadia, Mankadia, and Sahara are notable examples.

With the exception of the latter three, which are native hunter-gatherer groups who live largely off the forest and gather forest products, the majority of them are settled agriculturalists who augment their income by collecting firewood and lumber.

The tribes used to adhere to a number of traditional conservation practices, such as closed hunting seasons, hunting bans on particular species, preservation of sacred groves (Jharia), etc. However, in recent years, these practices have become less prevalent as a result of the growing influence of modern civilization, the growing human population, and the declining availability of wildlife.


Management of Protected Areas (PA) Management of Protected Areas is one of PTR’s main activities. The protection approach includes a variety of components, such as walking patrols, GPS tracking, and conservation-focused ecotourism based in local communities.

Special protection camps at sensitive places and anti-poaching camps and raids in Ganja-prone areas, coupled with monsoon camps are just a few of the protection operations in PTR that are timely organized and carried out by all Ranges for effective protection. Monitoring the potential points of illicit entrance is also made possible through interstate cooperative patrolling.  The deputy director has regular meetings and assessments to find areas of protection that need reinforcement for upcoming patrols.  Short Bore Pump Action Guns, Radio Collars, All-Terrain Vehicle, Dog Squad, 

Advanced Jungle Combat, and Front Line Survival Training

Jungle Camp Information

Stay in a tent

It is situated in Vallakadavu.

PETS EDC is in charge of the tents.

The tent can accommodate two adults.

Reach Vallakadavu. independently set up checkpoint and report to Vallakadavu Verify the post by 2:30 PM. After purchasing entry tickets, our personnel will direct you to the Jungle camp. The program’s schedule is provided below.

Day – 1:

Arrive by 2:30 PM

Tea and light fare: 3 p.m.

Trekking from 3.30 to 5:00 p.m.

8 p.m. for dinner

Maintain a tent

Day -2:

6.30 AM to 9.30 AM Gavi Safari

9.30 AM for breakfast

10:30 a.m. to 12: 00 p.m.

12:00 Noon Lunch

Leave by 1:30 PM

Free boating begins at 3.30 p.m. (Reporting begins at 3 p.m. at the Kumily Forest Parking location.

Area with independent plans.

  • Please be patient since animal sightings are purely a matter of luck.
  • Please avoid leaving behind trash.
  • Respect the wilderness region and the Tiger Reserve region.
  • first give way to animals
  • Enjoy the hues and sounds of the natural world.
  • Dress in colors that complement the surrounding landscape.
  • While taking images, try not to disturb any wildlife.
  • Observe regional customs.
  • Avoid provoking wild animals and maintain a safe distance from them.
  • Recycle garbage properly by bringing all non-biodegradable trash home and clearing campsites of trash before leaving.
  • Keep in mind that wild animals have the right of way when driving.
  • Don’t honk the horn, drive under the posted speed limit, and don’t startle any animals.
  • Avoid talking or listening to loud music.
  • Avoid exiting the car or
  • approach unruly creatures.
  • Do not disturb animals when they are sleeping or approach them closer than 15 meters.
  • Take no plants or animals, including cuttings and seeds  or roots.
  • Never give wild animals food.
  • Avoid stopping the car in the reserve for more than five minutes.
  • Inside such enclosed spaces, do not smoke or start fires. Accidental forest fires result in permanent harm.
  • According to the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, carrying firearms or incendiary materials is absolutely forbidden and is a crime.
  • Follow the advice of the guides and personnel.
  • Rules:
  • A minimum of 2 people are needed for each program.
  • There can only be two people per tent.
  • Children under the age of 12 are not permitted in this program.
  • Please report in 15 minutes.
  • prior to the start of the program
  • Vallakadavu is the starting point. Check-in time for reports is 2:30 p.m.
  • Evening tea, dinner, breakfast, and lunch the next day are included in the package.
  • Life jackets must be worn at all times while rafting.


For questions about tourism:

a center for ecotourism information

tiger reserve in Periyar,

India’s Kerala

Ph: 8547603066

Email address: periyaronline@gmail.com.

Workdays: 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM


To contact us about the Tiger Reserve:

Project Tiger’s Office of the Deputy Director,

tiger reserve in Periyar,

India’s Kerala 

Ph: 04869 222027

Email address: ddpttdky@gmail.com

working from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Deputy Director :

Periyar West Division Peerumedu PO

Idukki- 685531

Ph: 04869 232010