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World soil day is celebrated annually on December 5 to raise the awareness about healthy soil. This day is significant because it’s aim is to maintain healthy ecosystem and healthy ecosystem provides human well being. The main goal of the world soil day is to make people aware about environmental issues. this day tells us what we can do to protect soil.


1.Celebrate the thing that holds the roots of our life, celebrate soil. Save and protect it on this World Soil Day

2.Don’t live your whole life without realising the power under your feet in mother nature. Savour it and celebrate this occasion of World Soil Day.

3.Don’t forget the things that hold the planet together and give it life. Celebrate and protect the soil on this World Soil Day.

4.Protect our environment, stop soil pollution, and take steps to protect our soil. Happy World Soil Day.

5.Soil is our life, conserve and save it to celebrate this occasion of World Soil Day.

6.On this occasion, on World Soil Day, stand together and join the movement to stop Soil Pollution.

7.There is no life on this Earth without the soil and no soil without life. Happy World Soil Day.

8.For ages soul and life have evolved together. Take a pledge to keep them safe and secure for the benefit of our society on this occasion of World Soil Day.

9.“A Man of Knowledge like a rich Soil feeds If not a world of Corn, a world of Weeds.” – Benjamin Frankl.

10.While the farmer holds the title to the land, actually it belongs to all the people because civilization itself rests upon the  soil.” – Thomas Jefferson.


So those are some messages about world soil day. we hope that you may find this post helpful.