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On  6th August 1945, American Atomic bomber B-29 attacked Hiroshima, Japan. This Bombblast killed almost 80000 people within seconds and many thousands were killed by the effects of bomb rays. This was the first nuclear attack the world has ever seen after the three-day second B-29 attack at Nagasaki, which resulted in the death of another 40000 people. These two nuclear attacks forced Japan to surrender in second in world-war two without any conditions. Japan announced 6th August as Hiroshima Day. 

People still remember the destruction caused by these two bomb attacks.


Slogans & Quotes About Hiroshima Day


  • “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything, save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”


  • “A thousand paper cranes. Peace on Earth and  in the Heaven.”


  • “The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist-deep in gasoline, one with three matches the other with five.”


  • “Rest in Peace. The mistake shall not be repeated.”


  • “Dropping those nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a war crime.”


  • “Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atomized at a time when the Japanese were suing desperately for peace.”


  • “We are still living in the aftershock of Hiroshima; people are still in the scars of history.”


  • “As the history of Hiroshima suggests, the only way to curb war is to deter it with such overwhelming force as to turn it from a struggle into suicide.”


  • “The atomic bombing brought an empty victory to the allied arms, but it resulted for the time being in destroying the soul of Japan.”


  • “As the history of Hiroshima suggests, the only way to curb war is to deter it with such overwhelming force as to turn it from a struggle into suicide.”



  • परमाणु जब फटता है,

         तब हिरोशिमा का इतिहास बनता है,

         जिसे देखकर रूह काँप जाती है,

          मानवता को मानव पर शर्म आती है.


  • युद्ध जब होता है,

          हर देश अपना आपा खोता है,

          अब युद्धों में परमाणु का इस्तेमाल न हो,

           कोई हिरोशिमा फिर से श्मशान न हो.


  • हर धर्म हमको सत्य-अहिंसा

           के मार्ग पर चलाना सिखलाता है,

           यह क्रूर विज्ञान मानव का ले सहारा

           परमाणु बम जैसे खतरनाक हथियार बनाता है.


  • तबाही लाती हुई लहरों का कोई समन्दर ना देखे,

           आने वाली पीढ़ी कोई हिरोशिमा जैसा मंजर ना देखे.


  • युद्ध हर देश को डराती है,

           अहंकार अक्सर गलत कराती है.


  • 6 अगस्त जब-जब आता है,

           विज्ञान गुनहगार नजर आता है.


  • यदि भविष्य में कोई युद्ध हो तो उसमें

           कभी भी परमाणु बम का इस्तेमाल न हो

           कोई हिरोशिमा और नागासाकी

            उस जख्म को अपने हृदय पर सदियों तक झेलता रहे.


  • हिरोशिमा का दर्द अगर पूरी दुनिया समझती,

            तो परमाणु बम जैसे शास्त्रों का नाश करती.


  • द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में हिरोशिमा पर

           परमाणु बम गिराया जाना, एक अपराध है.


  • मानव के संघार के लिए बन रहे हथियार है,

          मानव का मानवता से कितना बढ़िया प्यार है.


The US attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a terror for human beings which caused many thousands of lives and teach humans that the World needs peace, not war, War can bring many destructive outcomes like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Therefore we should not engage in war-like situations and live life in Peace.

for more information read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki