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Samvidhan Divas

Samvidhan Divas: Celebrating India’s Constitutional Heritage

Samvidhan Divas, or Constitution Day, honors India’s Constitution adopted on November 26, celebrating democracy, justice, rights, and national unity.”

Samvidhan Divas: Celebrating India’s Constitution and Democratic Values


Samvidhan Divas, also known as Constitution Day, is celebrated on November 26 each year to commemorate the adoption of the Indian Constitution. This day holds immense historical and democratic significance as it reminds every Indian of their rights, responsibilities, and the values that form the foundation of the nation. Samvidhan Divas is a moment to reflect on the journey of India’s democracy and pay tribute to the visionary leaders who drafted the Constitution. The observance of Samvidhan Divas is not just a tribute to history but a reaffirmation of commitment to uphold constitutional principles in daily life.

History of Samvidhan Divas

On November 26, 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Indian Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950. This monumental document laid the foundation for India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. The adoption of the Constitution marked the beginning of a new era, replacing the Government of India Act, 1935. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Indian Constitution, played a significant role in drafting this legal framework.

Samvidhan Divas was officially declared in 2015 by the Government of India to honor this historic moment. The decision was made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to promote constitutional awareness and educate citizens about the values enshrined in the Constitution. Since then, Samvidhan Divas has been celebrated nationwide with various events in schools, colleges, government offices, and public institutions.

Samvidhan Divas

Significance of Samvidhan Divas

Samvidhan Divas is an occasion to understand and appreciate the significance of India’s democratic structure, fundamental rights, and duties. It fosters a sense of patriotism and reminds citizens of their responsibilities toward the nation. Here are some key aspects that highlight the importance of Samvidhan Divas:

1. Honoring the Constitution

The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution in the world, consisting of 470 Articles, 12 Schedules, and 25 Parts. It defines the framework of governance, ensuring justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens. Samvidhan Divas is a day to honor this legal and moral document that safeguards the interests of every Indian.

2. Remembering the Architects of the Constitution

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, along with other members of the Drafting Committee, played a crucial role in shaping the Indian Constitution. Samvidhan Divas serves as a tribute to their tireless efforts in crafting a document that has stood the test of time.

3. Spreading Constitutional Awareness

One of the main objectives of Samvidhan Divas is to educate people about their fundamental rights and duties. Schools, colleges, and government institutions organize seminars, debates, and discussions to promote constitutional literacy.

4. Strengthening Democratic Values

India is the world’s largest democracy, and the Constitution is the backbone of its governance. Samvidhan Divas reinforces the importance of participation in democratic processes, including voting, respecting laws, and upholding justice.

5. Encouraging Civic Responsibility

The Fundamental Duties listed in the Constitution remind citizens of their responsibilities toward the nation. Samvidhan Divas emphasizes the need for social harmony, national integration, and respect for law and order.

How Samvidhan Divas is Celebrated

Samvidhan Divas is celebrated across India with enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. The following activities mark the observance of this significant day:

1. Reading the Preamble

One of the most symbolic activities of Samvidhan Divas is the reading of the Preamble of the Constitution in schools, colleges, and government offices. This act reaffirms the core values of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

2. Educational Programs and Seminars

Universities and institutions conduct lectures, debates, and essay competitions focusing on the Indian Constitution, its history, and its impact on governance and society.

3. Awareness Campaigns

Various awareness programs are conducted by government agencies and NGOs to educate people about their rights and duties as citizens of India.

4. Tributes to Constitutional Leaders

On Samvidhan Divas, tributes are paid to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and other prominent leaders who contributed to the making of the Constitution.

5. Government Initiatives

The Prime Minister, President, and Chief Ministers of different states address the nation on this day, highlighting the importance of the Constitution and urging citizens to uphold its values.

Samvidhan Divas Wishes and Messages

On Samvidhan Divas, people share wishes and messages to spread awareness and celebrate the spirit of democracy. Here are some heartfelt wishes and messages:

Wishes for Samvidhan Divas

  1. “On this Samvidhan Divas, let’s celebrate the spirit of democracy and honor our Constitution. Happy Constitution Day!”
  2. “Wishing everyone a very Happy Samvidhan Divas! Let’s pledge to uphold our rights and fulfill our duties as responsible citizens.”
  3. “Our Constitution is our strength. On this Samvidhan Divas, let’s cherish the values of justice, liberty, and equality.”
  4. “This Samvidhan Divas, let’s remember Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and all the great minds who gave us the Constitution of India.”
  5. “Happy Samvidhan Divas! May we always strive to protect the principles of our Constitution and uphold democratic values.”

Messages for Samvidhan Divas

  1. “Democracy is not just about rights but also responsibilities. This Samvidhan Divas, let’s honor our duties and make India stronger.”
  2. “The Indian Constitution is a living document that guides us every day. On Samvidhan Divas, let’s commit to preserving its values.”
  3. “Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity – the pillars of our Constitution. Let’s celebrate them on this Samvidhan Divas!”
  4. “Freedom was earned with sacrifices, and democracy thrives on responsibility. Let’s celebrate Samvidhan Divas with pride!”
  5. “Our Constitution empowers us. This Samvidhan Divas, let’s pledge to respect and protect its ideals.”

Samvidhan Divas


Samvidhan Divas is a reminder of the power of democracy and the strength of constitutional values. As citizens, it is our responsibility to uphold the principles laid down by our Constitution and work towards a just and equitable society. Celebrating Samvidhan Divas is not just about remembering history but about actively contributing to the progress of the nation. Let’s take this day as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to justice, liberty, and equality for all.

Happy Samvidhan Divas to all!


Constitution Day Wishes ENGLISH


  • A government functions better and right when they have a while constitution to follow.


  • Warm wishes on Indian Constitution Day.
  • On the occasion of Indian Constitution Day,  thus I wish that we always make good citizens of India
  • who respect and follow the Constitution.


  • A constitution not only empowers a government but also empowers the citizens of a country.
  • Warm wishes on Indian Constitution Day to all.


  • Let us celebrate the occasion of Indian Constitution Day by taking pride  while in our constitution and abiding by it.
  • Wishing a very Happy Indian Constitution Day to you.


  • We may not realize it but the constitution of India is something that influences us in so many ways.
  • Warm greetings on Indian Constitution Day to all.


  • On the occasion of Indian Constitution Day, we must thank all those people
  • who created this important thing for our country. Happy Indian Constitution Day to all.

Some Other wishes on Constitution Day

  • Indian Constitution Day reminds each and every Indian of the importance of having such a strong constitution. Wishing everyone a Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • “Had there been no constitution, there would have been no order. then  Let us be thankful to those who gave strength to India and Indians. Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • Let us celebrate Indian Constitution Day by expressing gratitude to the brains who created it. A very Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • The Indian Constitution Day is the most significant day for every Indian because this day changed the course of our country. Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • The occasion of Indian Constitution Day will always remind each one of us that respect is what our constitution deserves. Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • A constitution is the most important thing for a country because, while  without a constitution, a country has no direction and no order. Happy Indian Constitution Day.


  • The constitution is like the backbone of a country and we are lucky that ours is a strong one. Wishing you a very Happy Indian Constitution…

Constitution Day Wishes MARATHI

  • दलितांचे ते तलवार होऊन गेले,अन्यायाविरुध्द प्रहार होऊन गेले,होते ते एक गरीबच पण या जगाचा कोहिनूर होऊन गेले,अरे या मुर्खाना अजून कळत कस नाही,वर्गाच्या बाहेर बसून सुद्धा त्यांनी या भारताचे संविधान लिहून गेले …. 
  • जन्म घेतला दिन दलितांचा उद्धार कराया, संविधान लिहिण्याचे दैदिप्यमान कार्य कराया,झोपेत असलेल्या समाजास, जगण्याचा अधिकार द्यावया,शतशत नमन करतो मी तुजला भीमराया….संविधान दिनाच्या हादिक शुभेच्छा
  • हवा वेगाने नव्हती हवेपेक्षाही त्यांचा वेग होता… अन्यायाविरुद्ध लढण्याचा त्यांचा इरादा नेक होता…. 
  • असा रामजी बाबांचा लेक भिमराव आंबेडकर लाखात नाही तर जगात एक होता.


Some Other wishes in Marathi


  • होता सिंहासारखा बाबा आमचा नव्हती त्याला कोणाची भिती अरे होऊन गेले वर्षे जरी हि किती आज हि बोलावते आम्हाला, ती चैत्यभूमीची माती….संविधान दिनाच्या हादिक शुभेच्छा
  • लेखणी तर सर्वांच्या हातात होती ताकत तर सर्वांच्या मनगटात होती पण राज्यघटना लिहण्याची क्षमता फक्त बाबासाहेबांच्या रक्तात होती संविधान दिनाच्या हादिक शुभेच्छा
  •  संविधानात फक्त 395 कलम आहेत. कारण महात्मा फुलेंनी सुरू केलेले भिडेवाड्यातील शाळेचा क्रमांक 395 होता. बहुजनांना ज्ञान देण्याची सुरूवात माझ्या गुरूने ज्या शाळेतून केली. त्या समतेच्या चौकटीत संविधान लिहून आपल्या गुरू विषयी कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करत आपले गुरू महात्मा फुले यांना ते 395 कलमाचे संविधान बाबासाहेबांनी अर्पण केले.भारतीय संविधान दिनाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा !

Hindi Constitution Day Wishes

  • “हालांकि अच्छा संविधान हो सकता है, अगर जो लोग इसे लागू कर रहे हैं वे अच्छे नहीं हैं, तो यह बुरा साबित होगा। हालांकि बुरा संविधान हो सकता है
  • , अगर इसे लागू करने वाले लोग अच्छे हैं तो यह अच्छा साबित होगा।” “यदि हम लोकतंत्र को केवल रूप में ही नहीं, बल्कि वास्तव में बनाए रखना चाहते हैं, तो हमें क्या करना चाहिए?
  •  मेरे निर्णय में सबसे पहली बात यह है कि हम अपने सामाजिक और आर्थिक उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए संवैधानिक तरीकों पर तेजी से पकड़ बनाए रखें”
  •  “राजनीतिक लोकतंत्र तब तक नहीं चल सकता जब तक कि सामाजिक आधार … सामाजिक लोकतंत्र का आधार नहीं है। सामाजिक लोकतंत्र का क्या अर्थ है?
  •  इसका मतलब है कि जीवन का एक तरीका जो जीवन के सिद्धांतों के रूप में स्वतंत्रता, समानता और बंधुत्व को मान्यता देता है …” “मैंने एक समुदाय की प्रगति को उस प्रगति की डिग्री से मापा जो महिलाओं ने हासिल की है” 


Some Other wishes on Constitution Day 


  • संविधान केवल राज्य के अंगों जैसे विधानमंडल, कार्यपालिका और न्यायपालिका को प्रदान कर सकता है। जिन कारकों पर राज्य के उन अंगों का काम करना निर्भर करता है
  • , वे लोग और राजनीतिक दल हैं जो अपनी इच्छा और अपनी राजनीति को पूरा करने के लिए अपने उपकरणों के रूप में स्थापित करेंगे। ” 
  • “एक महान व्यक्ति एक प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्ति से अलग है कि वह समाज का नौकर बनने के लिए तैयार है” “जब तक आप सामाजिक स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त नहीं करते हैं,
  •  तब तक कानून द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली स्वतंत्रता से आपको कोई फायदा नहीं होगा” “लोकतंत्र केवल सरकार का एक रूप नहीं है। यह मुख्य रूप से संबद्ध जीवन का एक तरीका है
  • , संयुग्मित संचार अनुभव का। यह अनिवार्य रूप से साथी पुरुषों के प्रति सम्मान और श्रद्धा का दृष्टिकोण है” “मुझे वह धर्म पसंद है जो स्वतंत्रता, समानता और बंधुत्व सिखाता है” “हम भारतीय हैं, सबसे पहले और अंत में”



Samvidhan Divas is a reminder of the power of democracy and the strength of constitutional values. As citizens, it is our responsibility to uphold the principles laid down by our Constitution and work towards a just and equitable society. Celebrating Samvidhan Divas is not just about remembering history but about actively contributing to the progress of the nation. Let’s take this day as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to justice, liberty, and equality for all.

Happy Samvidhan Divas to all!


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