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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Celebrated On 14 April. thus, Babasaheb Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891.  After all, Thus he was the first Minister of Law and Justice. 

Thus, Altogether he said that Freedom of mind is real freedom.  Although thus, he said that educated, organized, and be agitated.

 He was the first law minister of India. Thus his Thus best role in framing the Indian constitution, Thus he is the Father of the Indian Constitution.

 Thus he died on 6th December 1956. At the age of 65.Afterall, thus People called him Babasaheb. After that, his birthday is celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti. Thus Although dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar jayanti


Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was an Indian jurist, economist, social reformer, and the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. He was a champion of social justice, advocating for the rights of Dalits and other marginalized communities. His contributions to law, economics, and politics continue to shape modern India.

Early Life and Education

Birth and Family Background Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891, in Mhow (present-day Madhya Pradesh) into a Mahar (Dalit) family. His father, Ramji Maloji Sakpal, was a Subedar in the British Army, and his mother, Bhimabai, played a crucial role in his upbringing. Being born into a lower caste, he faced discrimination from an early age.

Schooling and Struggles Despite excelling in academics, Ambedkar experienced caste-based discrimination in school. He was often not allowed to sit with upper-caste students and had limited access to basic resources. However, he overcame these challenges through determination and support from his family.

Higher Education His academic excellence earned him a scholarship from the Maharaja of Baroda, enabling him to study at Elphinstone College in Bombay. He later pursued a Master’s degree in Economics from Columbia University in 1915 and a D.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics. His educational achievements were groundbreaking for an Indian of his background at the time.

Social Reform and Fight Against Caste Discrimination

The Mahad Satyagraha (1927) One of Ambedkar’s earliest movements against untouchability was the Mahad Satyagraha, where he led Dalits to drink water from the Chavdar Tank, challenging caste-based restrictions.

Temple Entry Movements Ambedkar spearheaded multiple temple entry movements to assert Dalit rights to worship in public places, directly challenging religious discrimination.

Annihilation of Caste In his famous book Annihilation of Caste (1936), Ambedkar criticized the caste system and Hindu social order. He emphasized the need for social reform and justice rather than mere political independence.

Role in Indian Independence and Constitution Making

Poona Pact (1932) Initially advocating separate electorates for Dalits, Ambedkar was forced to accept the Poona Pact after negotiations with Mahatma Gandhi. This resulted in reserved seats for Dalits in general electorates.

Chairman of the Drafting Committee As the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution, Ambedkar played a pivotal role in shaping India’s legal framework. He ensured fundamental rights, equality, and social justice were enshrined in the Constitution.

Key Contributions to the Constitution:

  • Fundamental Rights: Guaranteeing equality, freedom, and abolition of untouchability.
  • Directive Principles of State Policy: Advocating social welfare and economic justice.
  • Reservations: Ensuring affirmative action for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs).
  • Women’s Rights: Advocating for gender equality in marriage, property rights, and employment.

Economic and Political Views

Economic Policies Ambedkar was a visionary economist. He argued for:

  • Industrialization: As a means to eradicate poverty and unemployment.
  • State-led Development: Advocating state control over key industries and financial institutions.
  • Rupee Stabilization: His doctoral thesis focused on currency management in British India.

Political Contributions

  • Labour Reforms: As a member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council, he introduced labor laws that improved working conditions.
  • Formation of Political Parties: He established the Independent Labour Party (1936) and later the Scheduled Castes Federation (1942).
  • Hindu Code Bill: He proposed reforms in Hindu personal laws to ensure gender equality, though it faced resistance.

Conversion to Buddhism and Last Years

Embracing Buddhism (1956) Ambedkar, disillusioned with Hinduism’s caste hierarchy, embraced Buddhism on October 14, 1956, along with thousands of followers. This marked the beginning of the Dalit Buddhist movement.

Literary Works He authored several influential books:

  • The Problem of the Rupee (1923)
  • Annihilation of Caste (1936)
  • Thoughts on Linguistic States (1955)
  • The Buddha and His Dhamma (1957, posthumous)

Death and Legacy Dr. Ambedkar passed away on December 6, 1956. He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1990. His ideas continue to inspire movements for social justice and equality.


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s contributions extend beyond law and politics to social justice, economic planning, and education. His legacy lives on through the Constitution of India, Dalit empowerment movements, and his vision of an equitable society.




Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

Quotes in English


1)Ambedkar Jayanthi is celebrated thus on the day of the birth anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar.  Thus It marks the occasion thus when after all he started his life in his village, Panchayat, and finally entered the capital.

 Thus Ambedkar’s life was dedicated to fighting for the rights of all oppressed castes.


2)Ambedkar Jayanti, accordingly, the Birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on 19 April, is observed every altogether year to also mark his birth and achievements.  Thus Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, and politician who had a significant role in thus drafting India’s constitution.


3)”Ambedkar has been thus, the tallest among his generation. Thus the nation has become poorer in his life and works. Thus we are proud to be associated with him.”


4)”If you want to understand the drawbacks of the caste thus, the system and caste-based discrimination against women, read Ambedkar. Thus but don’t wait until the day he was born to start reading him– after all Thus he starts reading him today!


5)”Ambedkar was an icon and leader. thus he was a visionary. Thus he proved how much we can achieve by working together, Thus,” said Eknath Shinde, Afterall he was Union Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.


6)Thus principle of equality has to be respected in every walk of life. The rights of the weaker sections and oppressed must be protected. Thus Not only must there be thus, universal suffrage basically but also thus opportunities for development and education.


7) Thus Ambedkar Jayanti is observed on the 6th of October each year by all those who believe in also neither quality and thus either social justice, thus no matter what their faith. Thus in this day’s celebration, Thus we basically remember Mahatma Buddha’s basically teachings of non-violence, compassion, and universal brotherhood. 



Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Wishes In Marathi


1) फुलांची कथा बहरांनी लिहिली होती

ताऱ्यांनी रात्रीची कथा लिहिली

आम्ही कोणाचे गुलाम नाही

कारण बाबासाहेबांनी आमचे जीवन लिहिले!

भीमजयंतीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



2) दलितांचे ते तलवार होऊन गेले

अन्याया विरुद्ध प्रहार होऊन गेले,

होते ते एक गरीबच पण या जगाचा

कोहिनूर होऊन गेले,

जग खूप रडवीत होता

त्यांना पण ते या जगाला

घडवून गेले,

अरे या मूर्खाना अजून कळत

कस नाही,

वर्गाच्या बाहेर बसून सुद्धा

त्यांनी या भारताचे संविधान लिहूनगेले.

डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जयंतीच्या शुभेच्छा!



3) मनुस्मृती’दहन करून “भारतीय महिलांना”

स्वातंत्र्य देणाऱ्या महामानवास कोटी-कोटी प्रणाम.

डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जयंतीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



4)  14 एप्रिल 1891 ला

सोनियाची उगवली सकाळ

जन्मास आले भीम बाळ.

सर्वांना भीम जयंतीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!



5)  विश्वरत्न, विश्वभूषन, भारतरत्न,महाविद्वान,

महानायक, अर्थशास्त्री, महान इतिहासकार,

संविधान निर्मिता, क्रांतीसुर्य, युगपुरुष,

परमपूज्य बोधीसत्व, महामानव,

डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांना कोटी कोटी प्रणाम.



6) मोजू तरी कशी उंची तुमच्या कर्तृत्वाची

तुम्ही जगाला शिकवली व्याख्या माणुसकीची

तुम्ही देवही नव्हता,तुम्ही देवदूतही नव्हते

तुम्ही माणसातल्या माणुसकीची पूजा करणारे

खरे महामानव होते.

भीम जयंतीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



7) राजा येतोय संविधानाचा

भारतीय राज्यघटनेचे शिल्पकार

ज्यांच्यामुळे लाखोंघरांचा उद्धार झाला,

दीन दुबळ्यांना जगण्याचा अधिकार मिळाला…

डॉक्टर बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जयंतीनिमित्त

सर्व भारतीयांना हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



8 ) दगड झालोतर दिक्षाभुमीचा होईल,

माती झालोतर चैत्यभूमीचा होईल,

हवा झालोतर भीमाकोरेगावची होईल,

पाणी झालो तर चवदार तळ्याचे होईल,

आणि जर पुन्हा मानव म्हणून जन्म मिळाला

तर आई शपथ ,फक्त आणि फक्त

जय भीमवालाच होईल.

डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर जंयती निमित्त हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



9) मान वर करून जगायला शिकवलं माझ्या भीमाने,

शिक्षणाचे महत्व समजावले माझ्या भीमाने,

अन्यायाविरुध्द लढायला शिकवले ज्याने,

माझे शत शत नमन चरणी त्यांचे…

अश्या महामानवाच्या जयंती निमित्त हार्दिक शुभेच्छा.



10) जगभरातील करोडो लोकांच्या मनावर ज्यांनी आपल्या विचाराने,

कार्याने,कर्तृत्वाने राज्य केले अशा युगपुरुष, बोधिसत्व,

भारतरत्न, भारतीय राज्य घटनेचे शिल्पकार

महामानव डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर

यांच्या जयंतीच्या सर्वांना हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!




Thus, After that, as we celebrate Ambedkar Jayanti,  Thus think about equally the powerful impact he had on the world. Thus his struggle for human rights was unparalleled in our history. Besides Thus his ideas continue to inspire people today and transform our society.

Thus, So I hope you liked reading this article,  Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti,



Here are two Marathi songs dedicated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar:

  1. “Soniyachi Ugavali Sakaal”

    This song celebrates the dawn of a golden era attributed to Dr. Ambedkar’s contributions. It reflects the joy and hope he brought to marginalized communities.

    You can listen to it here:

  1. “Bhim Vikrami Veera”

    This song praises Dr. Ambedkar’s valor and his relentless fight against social injustice. It highlights his role as a courageous leader who stood up for the oppressed.

    You can listen to it here:

These songs are part of the rich tradition of “Bhim Geete,” which are Marathi songs honoring Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy and his impact on society.



Ambedkar Jayanti