Ciclo Cafe in Chennai-Kotturpuram Best indian restaurant
Ciclo Cafe in Chennai
About that place
Ciclo Cafe in Chennai is tha cafe that have unique concept that brings bicycles and its lifestyle it a place under one roof. Ciclo cafe is a very popular that provide friendly and relaxing environment with the cycling lifestyle and the cycling lover also like that place.
Varities of snacks & food
teas, coffees, breakfast, noodles, quick bites, biscuits, desserts, beverages, pizza, pastas
The Roasted Garlic & Shiitake Pizza
Sometimes you look at the menu and everything looks interesting, but you're a little confused about what to order - this is a sign. The Roasted Garlic and Shiitake Mushroom Pizza is one of our favorite vegetarian pizzas (add your favorite meat toppings and we might point you in the direction of the steak add-on? yum), stuffed and topped with shiitake mushrooms and roasted garlic. get more mozzarella and tomato sauce. Based on your instincts, we know you should visit Ciclo Cafe in chennai. We guarantee it will be love at first sight.
mojitoWhen you think of the ideal summer cocktail, you should think of something light, refreshing, delicious and, of course, ice cold. That's why we think our mojito is the perfect hot weather drink. Fresh orange juice, lemon, mint, sugar and soda are combined to create a refreshing, delicious and wonderful Orange Mojito. If you plan to spend your whole summer drinking cocktails, Orange Mojito is one of our best recommendations! Welcome to Anna Nagar branch for more drinks and delicious food.
Veg sandwich
Our Veggie Club Sandwich is one of Ciclo's most delicious and satisfying sandwiches. Those who have tried it know what we mean by luxury; quantity is worth the price! You'll also need two sandwiches consisting of tomatoes, grilled vegetables, lettuce, cheese, and garlic mayonnaise. Walk with hope. Travel with many things.
Chicken Karaage & Coconut Crusted Prawns
Whenever you go out to eat, always order an appetizer first. Because appetizers are just an excuse to have a more substantial meal to get to the real game. Coconut crusted prawns, golden fried pr awns coated with coconut shavings, served with sweet chili sauce and homemade coleslaw. There's also fried chicken, which is the classic Japanese soup fried chicken marinated in the subtle flavors of soy sauce, chili, ginger and garlic.
Come back and dine at Ciclo Cafe in chennai, Anna Nagar
Location :Ciclo Cafe in Chennai
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